It’s a Return Ticket to Crewe for Williams Tarr Construction

Following on from our recently completed project at Crewe Station for Locomotive Storage Limited, Williams Tarr is pleased to be back on site constructing a new access road and hard-standing together with infrastructure works.
The site, just to the south of Crewe Station, is directly alongside the busy West Coast Main Line and adjacent to the newly opened locomotive maintenance and heavy lift building, built by Williams Tarr. All site operations will have to be carried out to stringent health and safety procedures and in full compliance with strict railway construction regulations. Work has just commenced on site with a planned Phase One completion date of 20th May 2019.
Our client, Locomotive Storage Limited are operators of Crewe Diesel Depot, a modern base for rolling stock and home to the steam locomotive overhaul company LNWR Heritage. They renovate, maintain and operate heritage locomotives and rolling stock on the main railway network.