Mick’s 50 Years’ Service and Still Going Strong

Mick Cullen the Yard and Plant manager at Williams Tarr has recently clocked up an incredible 50 years’ service for the company. Since March 1971, through thick and thin, Mick has always been hands-on behind the scenes carrying out a versatile range of essential duties to help keep the business running smoothly. He has managed our yard, maintained our vehicles and plant, delivered materials and equipment and helped to set up and de-mobilise sites. His cheery smile, great sense of humour and sheer willingness to help with any problems, mark him out as a unique and valued work colleague.
Williams Tarr’s Contracts Director Trevor Hughes who has worked with Mick for the past 26 years was delighted to present him with a special bottle of vintage brandy as part of the celebrations, (pictured right).
Williams Tarr’s M.D. David Wilkinson commented:
Without dedicated and loyal staff like Mick the company wouldn’t be the success it has been, having now recently surpassed its 100th year in business. Congratulations to Mick on reaching your half century!