Students enlightened on Soil Stabilisation

Williams Tarr hosted a site visit for HNC construction students from Warrington Collegiate to witness first hand the lime stabilisation operations on a 3 acre HGV concrete aprons project in Warrington.
The £1.1 million scheme by Williams Tarr extends the Hermes Parcelnet Northern Distribution Hub at Omega Business Park, Burtonwood to provide parking for 106 trailers and 30 tractors.
The scheme involves lime and cement stabilising 12,000m2 of site won soils to achieve a 30% CBR sub base replacement to receive the new concrete aprons.
The presentation to students by Stephan, the Combined Soil Stabilisation Technical Director, gave them an insight into soil stabilisation, the benefits, the process, and the plant required as well as a demonstration of the process.
Feedback from students included the following comments:-
“Really enjoyed today’s visit it was very interesting to see a process we are not used to and the site team were informative and accommodating.”
“Today’s trip was interesting. It gave us an insight into how quickly chemicals can affect and react with soils to change the condition of them quickly. It also helped me understand bonding a bit better and water retention.”
“I found the site visit to Williams Tarr very informative, as I did not know much about ground stabilisation. I can now appreciate the benefits this method of lime stabilisation has over more traditional methods of ground remediation.”
Williams Tarr Director John Hughes commented:-
“We have close relationships with a number of Colleges and Universities and regularly host educational site visits. These students are the future life blood of our industry and we are pleased to have the opportunity to encourage and assist them with their career development”.