Williams Tarr seals the deal on Flintshire Retail Park

Williams Tarr Construction is proud to have been awarded the design and build contract for a new retail development at Flintshire Retail Park.
Working on behalf of T J Morris and HMG Investments Limited, Williams Tarr will redevelop existing car parking areas to construct four units to provide a total of 38,600 sq. ft. of new retail space. The £3M project will commence in the coming weeks and will be phased over 27 weeks.
The largest unit in the scheme is a 24,670 sq. ft. store commissioned by T J Morris for Home Bargains, who have outgrown their existing store located nearby on the park. The other three units are being built for the park owners HMG Investments, who have Iceland Food Warehouse lined up for the largest one. The remaining two units are currently under offer, with the potential retailers yet to be named.
Located prominently in the heart of Flint on the A548, the popular Flintshire Retail Park is home to many other major retailers besides Home Bargains, including Sainsburys, ASDA, Farmfoods, Argos, B&M, McDonalds and many more. These four additional stores will ensure that the busy facility remains a prominent and appealing location for shoppers across the region.
Willliams Tarr Managing Director David Wilkinson commented:
“It’s great to be able to confirm that we have secured this job. We have worked with T J Morris on a number of projects and to be appointed to deliver another large Home Bargains store for them is a credit to the work we have already done. In addition, renewing our relationship with clients such as HMG Investments, means that as a company we are continuing to successfully demonstrate our ability to deliver high quality and cost-effective projects. I am looking forward to seeing the finished scheme at Flint which I’m sure will be impressive”.